jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Event in Ecuador

2015 Interpretatio poetry, literary genre that allows unravel the essence of human feelings, together with another genre that allows them visible through stories that describe, narrate, expose or argue reasons to understand our social, historical and individual reality, is presented here to invite young students who wish to enter the world of literary creation. Interpretatio Story Competition 2015, organized by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities USFQ, aims to stimulate reading and encourage important Ecuadorian poets writing stories from the interpretation of lyrical compositions. The order in writing, originality in linking with the poem chosen, the shape of the narrative, the verbal elaboration as much as the expressiveness and the communicative power of the texts will be assessed. The text will be unprecedented and, within the guidelines outlined above, the argument will be free.
Click here to see more information: https://www.usfq.edu.ec/eventos/interpretatio/Paginas/default.aspx

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